

Priscilla Wachira is a Nationally Certified Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Texas with a strong background in public health and a deep commitment to community engagement through partnership development and outreach. With over nine years of experience in the field, Ms. Wachira is passionate about empowering people from diverse cultures and backgrounds to improve their physical and mental health. Her research interests include health equity from an empowerment perspective and mental health within the African immigrant community. 

Priscilla firmly believes in creating safe spaces that enhance emotional healing and connection while reducing perceptions of judgment or shame. Thus, if she were to win the Miss Kenya USA 2023 title, Priscilla would strive to create linkages for easier access towards mental health services; specifically for immigrant families. For example, setting up community support groups that facilitate in-person and virtual mental health 101 training courses. In sum, these courses would then bridge the literacy gap in hopes of reducing the stigma surrounding mental health within the Kenyan community. That, in and of itself, would be a major goal and dream of the hopeful Miss Kenya USA 2023 contestant. Healing begins when individuals feel seen and heard, and Ms. Wachira is committed to facilitating that process for all potential clients and community members.